Course Offerings

The following are descriptions of the courses that YES Writing offers, though not all of them may be offered all the time. For current class offerings, including locations and times, please check "Class Registration" at our website. (Only available to logged in members.)


This class is for 4th - 6th graders who are first time students to the Institute for Excellence in Writing methods. Units covered in this course are basic outlining, story writing, short and longer reports from one and then later several sources, writing from pictures, basic essays, and book reports. Vocabulary and poetry memorization will also be included. Each week the student will leave class with a specific assignment for the coming week, which may need to be done with some supervision from his/her editor/teacher. The class is held weekly for one hour, and can be taken for two years.
Non-refundable Registration Fee: $55
Course fee: $270/year
GVCS Processing Fee: $25


This class is intended for 5th - 7th graders who have had some previous experience with IEW. The same units will be covered as in the beginning class, but the pace will move a bit faster. Vocabulary, poetry memorization, and IEW's grammar text (Fix It!) will also be included. Each week the student will leave class with a specific assignment for the coming week, which may need to be done with some supervision from his/her editor/teacher. The class is held weekly for one and a half hours, and may be taken for two years.
Non-refundable Registration Fee: $55
Course fee: $300/year
Materials/Book Fee: $15
GVCS Processing Fee: $25


Intended for 6th - 9th grade students (later middle-school, early high school), this class will cover the basics of the IEW method. All the units in the IEW program will be covered, including note taking, outlining, story sequencing, narratives, reports from one and then multiple sources, essays, and response to literature. Some grammar instruction will be included, using IEW's "Fix It!" book. Each week the student will leave class with a specific assignment for the coming week, which may need to be done with some supervision from his/her editor/teacher. The class is held weekly for one and a half hours, and may be taken for two years.
Non-refundable Registration Fee: $55
Course fee: $300/year
Materials/Book Fee: $15
GVCS Processing Fee: $25


This course is for 8th - 12th graders who are new to IEW or have only one year of previous IEW experience. All nine units from the basic IEW syllabus will be covered, including note taking, outlining, story writing, report writing from single and multiple sources, essays, writing from pictures, literary analysis, and persuasive writing. Word plays and grammar (IEW's Fix It! books) will also be a part of this class. Each week the student will leave class with a specific assignment for the coming week, which may need to be done with some supervision from his/her editor/teacher. The class is held weekly for one and a half hours, and may be taken for two years. Students will need to supply their own copy of a Pocket Style Manual, by Diana Hacker (6th edition preferred).
Non-refundable Registration Fee: $55
Course fee: $310/year
Materials/Book Fee: $15
GVCS Processing Fee: $25

Advanced IEW

Held weekly for one and a half hours, this class is for students who have completed IEW 4 or several years of IEW at a lower level (with instructor approval). One quarter will focus on more advanced essay writing; two quarters will focus on literary analysis, using the text Windows to the World, by Lesha Myers. Although the text is written by a Christian author, the literature choices used are of a secular nature and students need not be Christians in order to take this course. NOTE: students will NOT buy this book ahead of time. Mrs Yip will purchase the book and students will then reimburse her directly. (Current cost for the book is approximately $30.) The fourth quarter will focus on writing a longer research paper. Grammar instruction, using IEW's Fix It! books will also be included. Students will need to supply their own copy of a Pocket Style Manual, by Diana Hacker (6th edition preferred).
Non-refundable Registration Fee: $55
Course Fee: $310/year
Materials/Book Fee: $45
GVCS Processing Fee: $25

English Literature/Writing 9/10th Grade

This course meets the Golden Valley Charter School Option 3 Requirement, but is open to all students. You do NOT need to be part of GVCS in order to take this class.
9th Grade focuses on General Literature; 10th Grade focuses on World Literature.
This class meets weekly for one and a half hours.
All students must provide:
  • copies of chosen literature (preferably copies which they can annotate; ISBNs or specific translation requirements will follow registration)
  • study guides as listed on the GVCS description
  • A Pocket Style Manual by Diane Hacker (6th edition preferred)
The class will consist of discussion of literature chosen from option 3; directions and discussion of key writing assignments which will be graded by the teacher; vocabulary study taken from the literature read for class; quizzes graded by the teacher. There will also be a midterm and a final exam.
GVCS Students are expected to complete the following at home with parental supervision:
  • completion of study guides for each piece of literature chosent from the list. This includes background info, questions (answers written out), quizzes, and tests. This work will be turned in directly to the student's EF.
  • Completion of grammar requirement from the listed texts.
Chosen pieces of literature taken from the GVCS list include:
  • Novels (2-3 per semester). Written requirement: 2 essays/semester, on 2 different novels.
  • Drama and/or Epic Poem (1 per semester). Written requirement: 1 essay on either drama or epic poem.
  • Short Stories (2-3 per semester). Written requirement: 1 essay based on one short story.
  • Poetry (2-3 per semester). Written requirement: 1 analysis of a poem.
  • Essays, Articles, or Speeches (2-3 per year). Written requirement: identify and discuss the author's purpose, audience, and tone in each reading.
  • Persuasive Speech (9th grade only). Write and present a persuasive speech.
Non-refundable Registration Fee: $55
Course Fee: $310/year
GVCS Processing Fee: $25

English Literature/Writing 11th/12th Grade

This course meets the Golden Valley Charter School Option 3 Requirement, but is open to all students. You do NOT need to be part of GVCS in order to take this class.
11th Grade focuses on American Literature; 12th Grade focuses on British Literature.
This class meets weekly for one and a half hours.
All students must provide:
  • copies of chosen literature (preferably copies which they can annotate; ISBNs or specific translation requirements will follow registration)
  • study guides as listed on the GVCS description
  • A Pocket Style Manual by Diane Hacker (6th edition preferred)
The class will consist of discussion of literature chosen from option 3; directions and discussion of key writing assignments which will be graded by the teacher; vocabulary study taken from the literature read for class; quizzes graded by the teacher. There will also be a midterm and a final exam.
GVCS Students are expected to complete the following at home with parental supervision:
  • completion of study guides for each piece of literature chosent from the list. This includes background info, questions (answers written out), quizzes, and tests. This work will be turned in directly to the student's EF.
  • Completion of grammar requirement from the listed texts.
Chosen pieces of literature taken from the GVCS list include:
11th Grade:
  • Novels (5-7 per year). Written requirement: 1 essay/semester.
  • Drama (2 per year). Written requirement: 1 essay.
  • Short Stories (5-7 per year). Written requirement: 1 essay.
  • Poetry (4-6 per year). Written requirement: 1 analysis of a poem.
  • Essays, Articles, or Speeches (2-3 per year). Written requirement: 2-3 page research paper related to one of the selected readings.
  • Biography. 1-2 page biography of an author/playwright the student has read during the year.
  • Speech. Write and present, with visual aids, an informative 2-5 minute speech on a literary topic.
  • Resumes. Review 10-15 samples of resumes, discuss format, and write own resume.
12th Grade:
  • Novels (5-7 per year). Written requirement: 1 essay/semester.
  • Drama (2 per year). Written requirement: 1 essay.
  • Short Stories (5-7 per year). Written requirement: 1 essay.
  • Poetry (4-6 per year). Written requirement: 1 analysis of a poem.
  • Essays, Articles, or Speeches (2-3 per year).
  • Biography. 1-2 page biography of an author/playwright the student has read during the year.
  • Biography. 1-2 page biography of a poet the student has read during the year.
  • Research Paper. Research and write a 3-5 page research ppaer on a topic related to the assigned readings.
  • Persuasive Speech. Write and present a persuasive speech on a political topic that one of the British authors might support, citing evidence from the author's work.
Non-refundable Registration Fee: $55
Course Fee: $310/year
GVCS Processing Fee: $25

Speech Boot Camp

A single semester, one hour weekly course in writing and presenting speeches.
Instruction will be via the DVD series "Speech Boot Camp" taught by Andrew Pudewa of IEW. The moderator will then lead the students through discussion, writing, and presentation of narrative, descriptive, and persuasive speeches. In addition to the models of different kinds of speeches, students will also learn techniques for making speeches more interesting, for delivering the speech, and suggestions for practicing, memorizing, and improving their presentation.
Non-refundable Registration Fee: $55
Course Fee: $150

Mrs Yip also offers classes via the Better Together homeschooling co-op, based out of Grace Lutheran Church in Ventura. Please contact them directly for more information.